About Me and what I'm up to:
I'm a data scientist / data engineer at a large academic health system and school of medicine. After grad school I worked in academic public health, but now the focus of my applied, academic, and teaching efforts is around using EMR data.
Here are some cool things I've worked on:
Worked with our ACO and their CCLF data to design a program for combining Part A and Part Bclaims lines into service groups for calculating total attributable cost of care
Looked at the feasibility of providing granular, accurate total price estimates out of the EMR for patients
Designed and programmed a PHI-safe driving distance estimator to estimate patient to health facilities
Designed and implemented enterprise risk-score architecture for our data warehouse
Developed & validated a computable phenotype for ERAS patients --published
Designed, programmed, and implemented a probabilistic matching algorithm for supplementing EMR vital status with external data --talk given Epic UGM 2017
Subsequently open-sourced vital status match code --talk given NCHICA 2019
Created and taught semester-long EMR data/methods curriculum for grad students
Worked with analytics start-up to co-develop a commercial readmission model
worked with a large, privately-health software company to explore co-development of commercial models for various outcomes in DM II